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Pass on a smile with a custom printed lacrosse stick! Personalized lacrosse
sticks for each player on the team (with their name) at no additional cost.

personalize a lacrosse stick for your lacrosse team

There are so many possible ways to personalize a lacrosse stick! Add team
colors, change the lace colors to those of your school. Start a tradition with
your league and use as a player participation gift at the end of season.
custom printed lacrosse stick personalized lacrosse stick
Mini lacrosse sticks are Made in USA. These traditional style lacrosse sticks
are extremely nice gifts for lacrosse players of any age.
lacrosse stick is a personalized lacrosse stick
custom printed lacrosse stick
Unique lacrosse sticks you will be proud to display with your lacrosse awards.
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Although we do our very best to please every customer; we strongly suggest
that you reserve your lacrosse sticks early in the season. We're sure you don't
want to get caught short handed an in a pinch to meet deadlines.

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Warning!! These do have that little extra "shock-and-awe" factor. You'll feel
equally rewarded when you visualize the smile on the face of a recipient.
contact minilacrosse.com

These are a few layout styles for custom lacrosse sticks.
We make custom sticks for individuals, teams, schools and tournaments.

contact minilacrosse.com