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I AM STRONG  Pink Short Sleeve Tee Shirt

pink tee with white print

I AM STRONG pink tee


Smallwood Mantra Tee - I AM STRONG - pink

pink shirt / i am strong printed in white with center star design.

Introducing the Smallwood Mantra Tee pink tee shirt, with a center design that says you are spreading your wings and taking flight. This pink shirt says “I AM STRONG” and speaks or your courage and determination. With a radiant star in the center of your chest to represent that you shine in all you do.The Smallwood Mantra Tee isn't just a shirt; it's a statement of your strength and a symbol of your journey towards self-discovery and fortitude. Wear it proudly and let the world know that within you strive to do your very best. Listen, learn and take flight in all you do.
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SHIRT STYLE(optional):
Child / Homeroom:
Product Code: SSMT02


Smallwood Mantra Tee - I AM STRONG - pink

pink shirt / i am strong printed in white with center star design.

Introducing the Smallwood Mantra Tee pink tee shirt, with a center design that says you are spreading your wings and taking flight. This pink shirt says “I AM STRONG” and speaks or your courage and determination. With a radiant star in the center of your chest to represent that you shine in all you do.The Smallwood Mantra Tee isn't just a shirt; it's a statement of your strength and a symbol of your journey towards self-discovery and fortitude. Wear it proudly and let the world know that within you strive to do your very best. Listen, learn and take flight in all you do.